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meeting:july_12_2022 [2022/07/13 16:50] swaldemeeting:july_12_2022 [2022/07/13 16:59] (current) swalde
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-SKTW Meeting Minutes +SKTW Meeting Minutes\\ 
 Present: Booker Blakley, Dawson, Jim, Randy, Taylor, Mena, Scott, kevin, Rylan Present: Booker Blakley, Dawson, Jim, Randy, Taylor, Mena, Scott, kevin, Rylan
 Agenda Agenda
-* Call to order (7:30pm, Scott W. as Chair) +  * Call to order (7:30pm, Scott W. as Chair) 
-* Adoption of Agenda +  * Adoption of Agenda 
-  * Motion/Seconded: Randy, Dawson, : Carried +    * Motion/Seconded: Randy, Dawson, : Carried 
-* Previous Meeting Minutes +  * Previous Meeting Minutes 
-  * 2022-05-10 +    * 2022-05-10 
-  * Spelling Alteration ‘unanimously’ to be corrected +    * Spelling Alteration ‘unanimously’ to be corrected 
-    * Motion/Seconded: Taylor/Randy: Carried+      * Motion/Seconded: Taylor/Randy: Carried 
 +  * Reports 
 +    * Membership 
 +      * New Members 
 +        * Caleb Allen 
 +        * Dawson Reid 
 +        * Booker Blakley 
 +        * Tristan Balon 
 +      * Returning Member 
 +        * Kim Revoy 
 +        * Mena Ryan 
 +        * Wahhaj Javed 
 +      * Exiting Members 
 +        * Tim Fretz 
 +        * Casey McMahon 
 +      * Members in good standing: 62 
 +    * Chair 
 +      * [[ :chair_report_20220614 | Chair's Report.]] 
 +    * Finance 
 +      * May: Loss of ~ $200. (still expecting one invoice. Includes writedown of $500 for unpaid dues.) 
 +      * June: loss of ~ $375. (still expecting one invoice) 
 +      * Projection moving forward: gain of ~ $400/month. (Based on increased rent as of Sept 1st.) 
 +      * liquid assets on hand June 30th: $11,084.15. 
 +  * Unfinished Business 
 +    * None 
 +  * New business 
 +    * Accept a 3 year lease at $4516.09/month (from ~$4200) 
 +      * Motion/Seconded: Scott/ Taylor : Carried 
 +    * Received some late invoices that were approved in last years budget, but that year is closed. So: 
 +      * Increase budget for “Software” by $130 to $300/year. 
 +        * Software: Quickbooks and VCarve 
 +          * Motion/Seconded: Scott/Rylan: Carried 
 +      * Increase budget for “Discretionary” by $330 to $930 
 +        * Motion/Seconded: Scott/Taylor: Carried 
 +  * Acknowledgements 
 +    * Rylan for coordinating everything about Barreltown 
 +    * Rylan for rounding up people and displays for MakerFaire 
 +    * Kevin for making a new forge 
 +    * Kim for making a new forge 
 +    * Barreltown - for being good tenants and contributing to the space 
 +    * Everybody that showed up to MakerFaire 
 +    * Jim for helping out around TW. (tidying, etc) 
 +    * Ack. Scott for Open House Work and Continued Badassery 
 +    * Ack. Entire membership from BarrelTown, continued comradery is happening. 
 +  * Adjourn ( 7:52 pm ) 
 +  * Next Meeting - Aug 9, 2022
-* Reports 
-  * Membership 
-    * New Members 
-      * Caleb Allen 
-      * Dawson Reid 
-      * Booker Blakley 
-      * Tristan Balon 
-    * Returning Member 
-      * Kim Revoy 
-      * Mena Ryan 
-      * Wahhaj Javed 
-    * Exiting Members 
-      * Tim Fretz 
-      * Casey McMahon 
-    * Members in good standing: 62 
-  * Chair 
-    * Chair's Report. 
-  * Finance 
-    * May: Loss of ~ $200. (still expecting one invoice. Includes writedown of $500 for unpaid dues.) 
-    * June: loss of ~ $375. (still expecting one invoice) 
-    * Projection moving forward: gain of ~ $400/month. (Based on increased rent as of Sept 1st.) 
-    * liquid assets on hand June 30th: $11,084.15. 
-* Unfinished Business 
-  * None 
-* New business 
-  * Accept a 3 year lease at $4516.09/month (from ~$4200) 
-    * Motion/Seconded: Scott/ Taylor : Carried 
-  * Received some late invoices that were approved in last years budget, but that year is closed. So: 
-    * Increase budget for “Software” by $130 to $300/year. 
-      * Software: Quickbooks and VCarve 
-        * Motion/Seconded: Scott/Rylan: Carried 
-    * Increase budget for “Discretionary” by $330 to $930 
-      * Motion/Seconded: Scott/Taylor: Carried 
-* Acknowledgements 
-  * Rylan for coordinating everything about Barreltown 
-  * Rylan for rounding up people and displays for MakerFaire 
-  * Kevin for making a new forge 
-  * Kim for making a new forge 
-  * Barreltown - for being good tenants and contributing to the space 
-  * Everybody that showed up to MakerFaire 
-  * Jim for helping out around TW. (tidying, etc) 
-  * Ack. Scott for Open House Work and Continued Badassery 
-  * Ack. Entire membership from BarrelTown, continued comradery is happening. 
-* Adjourn ( 7:52 pm ) 
-* Next Meeting - Aug 9, 2022 
meeting/july_12_2022.1657731016.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/13 16:50 by swalde
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