AGM Meeting Minutes: March 19, 2012
- 14 members in attendance, 1 guest
- El Presidente's report: presented a handy timeline of our first year
- Treasurer's year-end report (also posted on the forum)
- Summary: worth ~5k, ~3k in the bank
- ~230/mo cash flow deficit (but have several prepaid memberships)
- Should have ~$700 in the bank at the end of the year
- Motion to accept financial statements without audit - passed
- Motion to elect nominated board members (Andrew, Paul, Al, James, Jeremy, Kyle, Kurtis) - passed
- Maybe some sort of art event on the building April 28
- T-shirts - Andrew will take this over. Deadline to submit sizes is friday.
- Signmaking - still waiting on the designs from the building.
- Open house - spectrum in january
- Kurtis to get some vinyl banners made
- Other open house (science fair/maker faire) - August 25th
- Idea: raising money for specific wishlist items