Last year we tried holiday workshops leading up to December is that something we would like to try again?
Newsletter sign up
upcoming info
Scott for handling the electrical work
There is now remote switches at the dirty room and at the back door to make life easier
Al for mounting remotes for remote light switches
Merlin for donating boxes of electronic stuff
Old Business
Garbage in garbage
Food in dumpster in back (not in garbage inside, this is how we get ants!)
Keep the space clean and put tools away
New business
Policies - were previously unwritten rules
Guest Policy
Accepted unanimously as revised
Payment Arrears policy
Accepted unanimously as revised
Purgatory box policy
Accepted unanimously as revised
There has been two requests recently for remote access to SKTW network (access spacefiles, rpi or IoT here, etc)
Currently we have a openvpn-as server running for admin purposes. If we license it we can give out access to the membership. ~$20 per user/year with a minimum of 10 user purchase. The suggestion is to charge members $20/year for VPN access to SKTW network.
Taylor suggested we table this for the time being and put up a sign up sheet to see what the interest would be.
Al motioned to accept Taylor's suggestion, was seconded and accepted unanimously
Al motioned to accept Andrew be allowed to give out/monitor/police logins for the VPN in the meantime, seconded and accepted unanimously
Open Floor
Mitre saw needs to be replaced
The board is currently applying for the ability to purchase VCarve Pro Makerspace edition. You can check it out here