== Meeting minutes: May 10, 2016 == * 12 full members in attendance * Regular items * Financials update * $3069.43 in bank. Rent still to come out. * 29 full members, 4 associate * Reviewed financials. Motion to accept without audit raised by Albert. Passed unanimously. * Tools * Status of Peachy's laser cutter * Currently not for use. May be for sale. Please do not touch. * Albert has ordered a new laser cutter. Will be available for use by members. Will take >1 month to arrive. * Need new blade for bandsaw * James will see if we have one. If not, will purchase one. * New business * Given Rylan's current situation at Peachy, are willing to run a tab for his membership dues. * Linda has left. If she subleases, we will have to leave. She has verbally informed us that she will give us 60 days notice if required. * Given that, we are looking for a space. 1200-1500 sq.ft. Have about $1500/mo available for rent and utilities. Keep an eye out. * We now pay for our own internet. In Techworks name, but undersigned by Albert. * Loraas has been discontinued. Will be gone end of the month. After that, we will have to bring out any garbage we bring in. * Board meeting to be held Thursday, May 12th.