== Meeting minutes: March 14, 2017 == * Attendance: 13 members * Motion to accept meeting minutes from February 21, 2017 accepted unanimously * New members: * Anthony Mulder, signed up to build one project. Had planned to quit afterwards. Hoping he will remain. * Erin Holm, actively building projects already. * Matthew Vooght, works at SED with Brook. * Chairperson's address * Finances * Reviewed past year's finances. Motion to accept and to dispense with an audit passed unanimously. * People wanted to review the budget. * Motion to accept proposed changes to the bylaws accepted unanimously. * Board election: * James Cooper: 14 for, 0 against * Albert La: 14 for, 0 against * Scott Walde: 14 for, 0 against * John Tumbach: 14 for, 0 against * Andrew Wright: 14 for, 0 against * Motion to destroy the ballots passed with 5 for, 1 against * Social events * 30 March 2017, presentation at the Library with Albert. Albert needs projects and help. James offered to supply both. * 23 March 2017, soldering workshop presented by John Tumbach. Tickets on Picatic for $15. Discount code available on Techworks website for $5. * 28 March 2017, project show-and-tell open. Need somebody to present. Talk to Scott if you wish to volunteer. * 8 April 2017, games day (board games and/or video games). * Reminder that procedures for using laser cutter have changed. * Reminder of new scrap box. * Would we be interested in moving the air compressor into the shower? Might not be feasible. We agreed that we are interested in moving it, but not sure if it's feasible or where to put it; worth investigating further. Andrew will follow up with Peter. * Motion to accept the budget as proposed, accepted unanimously. * Motion to adjourn accepted unanimously.